Monday, July 7, 2008


Me left alone with my youngest son Afham, hubby Khairul went to KL , Uwais went back to UITM Melaka, Sarah to UITM Shah Alam and Maryam pun ikut Sarah after daftar kat UITM KTrg on last 4th July. Boring giler tak ada orang kat rumah! The green settee will be my favorite place to relax! Afham duk main gitar sorang diri . isk..isk..
Long silence..bukan tak da modal but keeping myself busy and thank GOD, everything ran smoothly with all kinds of situation and task. In the office, we have to clean up all around the work place so that tak sakit mata memandang!!! i dont know how long will it takes to clean up...jap je kot. Ada achievement sikit after one day and some of the staff are keeping pretty busy simpan-simpan their own property/files/papers so that it will look clean and tidy. tak ada orang gaji weii, buat sendiri ya!....oopppsss.
19 of us at Level 4 : HR , Procurement & Property, Corp Comm, Sublease & MIS. Anyway, we will never forget all the laughters n sorrows! giggles all around! Kerja tetap kerja. Last sunday kita org start pakai baju corporate and mostly staff pakai. Yang tak pakai cuma yang alter baju and tak ada willingness nak pakai...entah! may be ada yang self conscious kot. Macam I yang dah tua ni pun ada perasaan nak pakai...layan je..... masing2 punya perasaan..tapi best jugak for a change. We dont have to wear it daily what!!!! tak per lah , pakai je lah. Company dah kasi. Lawa jugak! nanti next time load foto.